Monday, January 26, 2009


What do you do when you have to go straight to tap from work, and don't have time to go home and get the underwear you need to get your dance on?

You go without.

PS- for anyone who read my previous tap post about the lady with no bra, you know that underwear is optional. Because of that, I feel good about what I am about to do.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So, I know you are all shocked because I just posted but the sickest thing happened this morning and I think it's pretty blog worthy. So I tutor a couple of kids at Midvale Elementary a few times a week and I was there this morning with my little
1st grader Gustavo. We were sitting outside the classroom doing some reading when another little boy walks out who obviously isn't feeling well. He was with a teacher and she was holding a garbage can. I quickly put two and two together and realized that this kid was going to blow chunks.

I started to panic because I don't do well with throw up. How I am going to have children, not sure. Anyhoo, the teacher proceeds to stop with the kid ONE FOOT behind the desk I was sitting at and is coaching him so he can make it into the garbage can. At this point, I am sweating. And poor little Gustavo. Probably didn't understand why I was rushing him through his book and yelling at him when he wasn't getting a word right. That little book could not end fast enough. No offense, little man. When the kid started to dry heave, so did I, and I had had enough. I rushed Gustavo back to his classroom while I ran around the corner. Don't think I didn't give that teacher the biggest crusty ever as I ran by her! Why would you not take the kid to the bathroom?? Does she not understand that some people have NO tolerance for throw up? And the poor kid! Who wants to throw up in a hallway while others are passing by? I am telling you, if he would have, I would have too, no matter how empty my stomach was. And then we would have had a situation.

Friday, January 16, 2009

An oldie but a goodie.

I wish I had a pic to go along with this next one because words can't describe what a pic can show. We were celebrating my birth a few weeks ago with my extended family and my dad brought up a story that was totally blog worthy. My cousin-in-law Lindsey even asked why I hadn't blogged about this, so Linds, this is for you.

I'm going to start out by warning you about the Flying J in Nephi. Apparently all the creepos hang out there and this story is just a glimpse of what I have seen take place. Gas stations aren't usually the classiest joints but you definitely see all kinds there. Case in point. We were coming back from our annual Powell trip with the Haths. I wasn't looking my best as I had been on the lake for 7 days and if you know me at all, you know I don't shower too often at the lake. We were on the homebound stretch, and made our last stop in Nephi to fill up. I ran in do use the bathroom and get a little treat. I was standing in line with Brooke when it happened. In walks a trucker that was probably the creepiest man I have ever seen. He gets in line behind me and whispers this in my ear...

"I'll make you a deal. You give me a smile and I won't tickle you."

What?!?!? I have never been so creeped out in my life! I casually laughed but secretly wanted to cry. Meanwhile, what looks like his granddaughter, walks in to say something to him. He proceeds to yell and swear and this little girl while winking at me. Brooke kindly waited for me so that I that I wasn't taken out back and molested. Not sure if I have ever thanked her for that, so thank you Brooke!

Lizzie's married!!

I know, I know...I have been a serious slacker on the blog lately. I'm sure my 4-5 readers are utterly distraught. In all honesty, my life has not been to exciting as of late, so there hasn't been too much to say. I regret to inform you all that Liz got married on Wednesday so LizandAlli and become just Alli...She is sooo happy though! Once again, another bites the dust. She looked lovely and classy as always. That's just a Kennedy standard.