Monday, June 16, 2008

What gives???

This weekend, I had two interesting experiences that left me having a bit of an identity crisis. For those that haven't heard, I was recently called to be the Relief Society Pres. in my ward. I know what you are thinking... "you, the relief society president??". Believe me, I was just as surprised as all of you. I met with the old pres. last week and she completely overwhelmed me with everything that I have to do! So needless to say, Friday night was spent trying to get organized and preparing the talk that I had to give in Sacrament meeting. As I was sitting at the kitchen table, typing away, Janice (my roomie) came home from a date. She brought the guy in and I was getting the vibe that she didn't want him to stay so I didn't offer to leave. She walked outside with him where he proceeded to tell her that he was glad he wasn't struck down in my presence. WTF?? What the hell does that mean?? I talked to him for all of about 3 minutes, and not once did it come up what I was doing. Maybe he just thought I was a loser for doing it on a Friday night. I have never considered myself as a molly mormon but maybe I'm completely wrong. Jan and I got a good laugh from it.
The next morning, Jan and I went to look at a house she was interested in buying. As we walked through the house with the real estate agent, she was making small talk with me and asked me who was going to live there. I told her it would just be Janice and I. She then asked if we were married. Not realizing that she was asking if WE were married to each other, I casually said no and then I figured out what she meant. I quickly clarified that we were both single, FRIENDS, and just looking for a new place to live. Within 12 hours I was accused of being a molly and lesbian. What gives?? Apparently I need to change my look...


Brooke said...

Would you rather be a molly-mormon lesbo or a crack-whore nun? You tell me...

the Schrofs... said...

That's funny! You've never struck me as a molly mormon, but I have been accused of being your lesbian lover that one's not as unbelievable.

brooke said...

Maybe you should stop wearing your black tennies with your jeans, leather belt, and tucked-in flannel shirts. I don't know, just a suggestion.

Unknown said...

Relief Society Pres- sucka! You will be great but no gives to that job. And in answer to your lesbian question, please immediately check your email. I'm not sure if this is something you want posted on my blog.

Ally said...

oh cloney...sorry. quit holding janice's hand then and wearing your EFY tee when boys come over.

Tara and Dan said...

Maybe that guy thought he'd be struck down in your prescence because you were lesbian...

Erika and Ryan Stowell said...

Gel, that is commical! Can't believe it. Who knows what these people are thinking?

The Prestons said...

Ha ha! That's pretty funny! Thanks for the laugh.
