Thursday, February 25, 2010

So, it's been a while....

Where has the time gone??? I wish I could say that I haven't been blogging because nothing exciting has happened in the past few months. That just wouldn't be true so I will try summarize what I've been up to.

First off, December started out with a bang! I got a new job at:

and I honestly couldn't be happier! I was starting to get suicidal at my old job so it was a welcomed change!

If I'm being completely honest, I hate that my birthday is on New Years. I always try to be out of town but this year, that just wasn't going to happen. My cute friends were determined to make it fun so they threw a little birthday party for Missy and I! Since we don't get drunk, we are forced to have alternative fun, i.e. twister, human pyramids, and Win, Lose, or Draw. As you will see a little further down, we are easily entertained so it ended up being really fun!

In January we took a little weekend vacay to Bear Lake to participate in the annual Bear Lake Monster. This consists of one-piece snowsuits, homemade relays, lotto tickets at Gladys, and just a darn good time.

In February, it was Kimi's birthday. A few months back, we were discussing the fact that since she was turning 31 and STILL not married, her life was pretty much over. Leave it to us girls to get an idea and run with it. What better way to celebrate than have a funeral themed birthday party! I am fully aware that this sounds totally creepy but it was hysterical and a day dedicated to Kimi. Just a few pics....

And finally over Presidents day, we took an epic trip to Sun Valley. This is where we originally purchased our one-piece snowsuits. It's no secret that I love them so naturally I had to buy another.

As much as I love the classic 80's, I'll be wearing this one ALL THE TIME. I'm pretty sure it's a designer brand and I just couldn't pass it up. Anytime I can purchase something with fur, there is absolutely no hesitation.

Sun Valley is so much fun in the winter, there's not a whole lot to do and since I don't ski, I have become real good at sledding. Case in point.

This hill was fantastic. We were a little hesitant since last year on this same trip we ended up in the ER. It ended up just being a real good time.

And last but not least. it wouldn't have been a complete weekend without meeting some guys. An entire hockey team from Missoula to be exact. May have been the funniest night of my life and most of it went down inside this creepy motel. We had to get a picture on our way out of town to document....

So there it is in a nutshell. I guess all we need now are some men, specifically 10, that can keep up with us. We're always on the lookout but until then, we'll just keep on truckin!


Tara and Dan said...

Love the update!! Looks like so much fun :) Especially the fur, one-piece snowsuit... Think you can find a fur one-piece swimsuit for the summer season??

Unknown said...

Oh my dear friend- love reading your blog. I am so glad you updated. Are you coming to Mikes party on Thursday or what?

stew said...

looks like a damn hoot Al!!

Leymaster Family said...

Oh Al! I am so glad youa re back in the blogging world. I look forward to reading your posts. There is never one where I am not laughing outloud. Love the funeral birthday party! Miss ya! You should come out one last time while Ally and I are in Boston together!