I'm sitting my hotel room on a Saturday night in Philadelphia with nothing to do and I've heard this is theraputic....so hear it goes!
1) I have the best parents in the world! I want the kind of marriage that they have and after 32+ years, they are still in love.
2) At this stage of my life, I love my independence a little more than I probably should.
3) I never thought I would say this but I will probably go back to school and get a masters in human resources-for those wondering, yes, it does exist.
4) I have been taking a tap class for 4 years and I am pretty damn good.
5) I can honestly say that I love my job!!
6) Even though I moved out 8 months ago, I go to my parents house at least 3 times a week.
7) I'm a sucker for mocha ice cream, actually mocha anything. If I drank coffee, I know I would drink 10 cups a day.
8) I only wash my hair twice a week.
9) I regret not going on a mission.
10) I want to be fluent in spanish and will do what it takes to get there.
11) I get the greatest pleasure when I serve and I would love to start a humanitarian organization one day.
12) I'm so excited to be a mom!
13) I am goofy and sometimes don't act my age.
14) If I could live anywhere, it would be at Lake Powell. There is something magical about that place.
15) I was a ballerina for 12 years.
16) My absolute number one celebrity crush is Dennis Quaid.
17) I LOVE to play tennis.
18) Neil Diamond is my idle in more ways than one.
19) I am surrounded by good men in my life. My dad and brothers are fantastic people.
20) My mom is the most talented person I know.
21) I am a daddy's girl.
22) I may have a slight shopping addiction. I am trying to control it.
23) I have an obsession with hair products. I love trying new ones!
24) I LOVE my jeep cherokee but the day I take it offroading with be a cold day in hell.
25) I wish growing up that I played soccer but I think my mom made me dance, which I ended up loving.
26) I want to be like my grandpa when I grow up.
27) I'm not a good communicator - I'm working on it.
28) Up until this point in my life, I have always had more guy friends than girlfriends and I wouldn't change that for the world.
29) I have only been in love once and I didn't realize it til it was gone.
31) Not having any sisters, I love having a sister-in-law.
32) I love quirky comedy (i.e. The Office, Arrested Development, Waiting for Guffman)
33) I swear that one day I will be a good cook.
34) I love a good Sunday drive, it's good think time.
35) I had the best childhood ever! Every memory is a good one.
36) My dad is the Christmas man, he sells commercial Christmas decorations for a living.
37) I used to make fun of redheads until my adorable nephew was born.
38) Going to South America changed my whole outlook on life.
39) My favorite meal is my mom's chicken lasagne.
40) I would be content with all boys but I only want one girl-too much drama.
41) I could write a book about the number of bad dates I have been on.
42) I want to own horses one day.
43) I used to be a blonde....they don't have more fun.
44) I love watching sports, I know this is weird but I especially LOVE watching golf.
45) I've never heard of a 5 minute shower. I like em long.
46) I love my dog like he's a sibling and I'm going to need therapy when he dies.
47) I am closer with our family's best friends than I am with any of my extended family.
48) I love to waterski and I should be much better than I actually am.
49) I could lay in the sun forever.
50) I have an obsession with my split ends. I could look at my hair for hours.
51) I ALWAYS wear heals unless I am with a short man.
52) I own a onesie that fits me with room to grow.
53) I learned to play golf this summer and with some practice, might be pretty good.
54) For years, my favorite movie was Twister.
55) My brother Mike is the funniest person I know. He is what I miss most about living at home....and Riley.
56) My brother Chris is the hardest worker. That guy works 12 hour days and never complains.
57) I wish I had Adam's heart. He will do anything for anyone at anytime.
58) I am very optimistic and probably a little too laid back.
59) I want to marry someone like my dad. I know....it's gonna be tough.
60) I can't whistle.
61) I love making other people happy and would much rather spend money on someone else as opposed to myself.
62) I think I should really be left-handed. I do everything with my left hand.
63) I wish I had thicker hair-I would save tons of money on volumizing hair products.
64) I have an obsession with reality tv. I can sit down, watch something I have never seen before and become totally addicted.
65) I love trashy magazines. I would love a monthly suscription but I think that would be borderline ridiculous.
66) If you don't know me, you might think I am shy.
67) Like shopping, I am addicted to finding new songs on itunes.
68) I hate flying!! Sitting on a plane for more than 4 hours makes me mean.
69) On the other hand, I am always up for a good road trip.
70) My birthday is on New Year's Eve, the crappiest holiday ever.
71) I truly believe that what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.
72) I am grateful for my trials. Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
73) I love the Nutcracker and force whoever I am dating at Christmas to come with me, whether they like it or not.
74) I love country music, it always makes me happy.
75) I live Utah and don't ski. There is something seriously wrong with that.
76) I tend to fall in love with all of my boyfriend's families and when it doesn't work out, I usually miss them more than him.
77) I have been blessed with spectacular friends. Each of them have qualities that I truly admire.
78) From 7th to 12th grade, I peed my pants on multiple occasions.
79) I'm not as spontaneous as I would like to be.
80) I have my own signature dance move, some of you know what I'm talking about.
81) I love flowers and I have been known to buy them for myself.
82) Costco is the greatest store ever invented.
83) I tried to become a runner, til I realized how much I hated it.
84) I have never in my life had bangs and chicken out everytime I get my hair cut.
85) I religiously get my hair cut every 8 weeks.
86) I have the best nails and love to give myself arm tickles.
87) I love Little Debbie and she makes the greatest oatmeal pies!
88) I have a dent in my leg. Ask me sometime and I will show you.
89) I can't go to bed earlier than 11PM.
90) I used to wear swimsuit bottoms when I ran out of underwear.
91) I love the church and I wish I knew more than I do, something to strive for.
92) I could be with my family all the time and never get sick of them.
93) I should have studied way more in college than I did.
94) I know what I want and I am never going to settle.
95) Speaking of settling, I could play Settlers of Catan every night.
96) I love hot chocolate, every flavor imaginable with lots of whip cream.
97) One day, I will learn how to play the harp.
98) I drive at least 10 miles over the speed limit everywhere I go.
99) I hate feet, not my own, just everyone else's.
100)I love my life! I have been richly blessed!