So, the above picture has nothing to really do with my post but I thought I could segway into my story about yesterday's event.
A few years back, when I first started doing marketing at my company, we were desperate.
Clearly, that is true from what you see above.
We were creating a brochure and needed a doctor. The photographer, who was actually legit, suggested that I sport the coat, and the stethoscope for this lovely portrayal. I had to laugh as I hadn't showered that day, and got out of bed about 20 minutes earlier. I hardly look like a doctor and we had to take about 20 pics because I kept laughing. So mature at the wise age of 24... Needless to say, they didn't end up using my photo. Geez, I wonder why???
Anyhoo, let it be known that I HATE doctors. Actually anything that has to do with a doctor which includes a clinic, hospital, ambulance, nurse, shots, pills, pain, etc. A few months ago, I got nothing more than a head cold. It soon passed and I felt fine but I still sounded sick. I had an occasional sore throat but I was starting to sound like a smoker. But, by far the worst side effect was snoring! Snoring has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves when trying to fall asleep and there have been many a night where I have cursed my dad as we shared a hotel room. I never thought that I would EVER be that person!
So, my mom finally convinced me to go to the doctor. First off, I couldn't find the place and I spilled my whole water bottle in my lap on the way there. Not a good sign. It probably wasn't doing me any favors as I walked into the clinic looking like I had peed my pants. The smell alone in there almost made me two step my way right back out.
When I was filling out the paperwork, I mentioned that I had cold-like symptoms, simply because you can't state, "sounds like a man when talking". That immediately got me a fun little mask to wear while I was there. How degrading is that??? I was tempted to take a big breath of air through my nose to show them that I really wasn't sick.
I finally meet with the doctor, and I've pretty much convinced myself that he's gonna diagnose me with lung cancer. What else could explain my persistent throat problem that has lasted 6+ weeks??
It doesn't help that I am sweating from the anxiety I have from being there. He starts checking all my holes with lights and poking me all over, apparently that is how they check for mono. At least that's what he said... Now that I think about it, that seems a little fishy. I truly felt bad for the guy when he had to feel my armpits and they were slightly moist, ya know, from the anxiety. Nothing a little rinse in the ol' sink won't fix. I figure, he's a doc so he's had to have seen worse.
He tells me to open my mouth as he shines that little light in there. His next statement was, "holy crap, have you looked in here?" I didn't know what that meant, but for sure it wasn't good.
My response was, "no sir, but pretty sure I've never looked in my throat before so I have no idea what I would be looking for."
Apparently my tonsils were HUGE! Enough that he told me it was most exciting thing he's seen all day. That's sad.
No wonder I've been sounding like a man! There was about 5 cm between them. He gave me some pills, told me to take them and come back in a week. If nothing has changed, dun dun dun, I'll be going under the knife. Hopefully my drugs will do the trick!
**I would like to personally thank Nancy for the horror stories she told me last night about her tonsil removal. It resulted from paranoia and no sleep. You're a peach.
Oh Al, so keep us posted! Hope it won't require surgery!
Oh Alli, no bueno! Well let's hope your "lump in the throat" turns out to be just swollen tonsils. I however was informed, when I just went to the doctor, that I have a lump of my own....and it's not on my ribs.
Shall we hold a vigil for us both?
don't hate nurses...we are just the messengers! sorry about your man voice.
Ooh Al! Let us know what happens! Hope all goes well. Get better!
i'm a straight shooter--just keepin' it real. don't lose any sleep over it now--there will be plenty of time for that when you're laid up and eating sonic ice for 3 meals a day :)
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