Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It is true...I am vain.

Have you ever seen someone you used to know along time ago and you used to think they were really good-looking? Lately I find myself finding some old pals via facebook, blogs, etc. This is so horrible but with many peeps I have actually said in my mind, "geez, time has not been good to them. Good thing we didn't end up together." Seriously?? I am that shallow?? Whose to say that someone hasn't come across my picture and thought the same thing??

It is sad that society has this control over our minds of how someone should look and act. If you aren't a size 2, you aren't beautiful. If you don't have the cutest, trendiest clothes, you are a loser. I have totally bought into this and am more concerned with my self image(and apparently others), than I should be.

It's just too damn bad that we all can't grow old and fat together and embrace it. I was going to put some pictures of the unfortunate victims up but then I feared for the day they found my blog and felt really bad...

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Sad and mean because I know for a fact that my picture is one of those aforementioned. But even more sad for you because we did end up together... forever.
That was sick...