Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Things that bug

A few things have happened lately that really chap my hide. What does that even mean anyway? So normally, I consider myself a pretty laid back person. I don't really get stressed or let things bother me. I have come to terms with the fact that people are weird, that they do weird things and I should probably just get over it.....or just laugh at it. Just a few of my random thoughts as of late.

1) Every ward has "special people". I know you all know what I mean by this so I will just leave it at that. I have multiple guys who always IM me on Facebook even though we've never had a conversation in the flesh. Trust me on this one, I am in no way trying to let you know how many guys IM me. They are "special". "How's your day?", "how's work?" It's like we are cyber friends but I don't even know who these people are. Sure, I recognize them at church, so what's the harm in becoming FB friends, right? Sometimes I even pretend like I am my brother hacking into my account so I don't have to talk to these people. They keep asking questions over and over again until you respond. If that green little dot quickly changes to red after you IM someone, take that as your first sign. Does anyone else think this is weird?
2) When people say wuffs instead of wolves...this could totally be my bad and maybe I have been incorrect my whole life, but wuffs? That just sounds weird.
3) When you are at a stoplight and the car next to you is a good 15 feet behind the white line. Is it really necessary to leave all that space? Is there something you can see that I can't?
4) The invasion of personal space. Apparently some people have never learned that there is a one foot diameter around everyone that should never be invaded, unless of course you are invited in.
5) Crocs. The shoes, not the animal. Hideous.
6) Grown men walking around in packs at Disneyland with mouse ears on. They have automatically thrown themselves in the "creepy" category.
7) Two hour meetings that could be over in a half hour if 20 tangents weren't taken. Why must we make them longer than they need to be??
8) Being asked out on a date, through a text. If you are constantly doing this, and I am consistently saying no, stop asking. You've already killed it.
9) Mean girls. Aren't we old enough to get along? Your dirty looks aren't doing you any favors.
10) When guys use girls to get to their friends. We would be more than happy to hook you up if you just want their number. All you have to do is ASK! Heaven forbid, you ask the girl yourself!Maybe it's the first red flag that you can't approach them on your own. I don't know, you decide.

On a side note, I may or may not have gone to Disneyland yesterday, hence #6. Left SLC at 8AM, home in bed at 11PM. The happiest place on earth has never been happier... Details and pics to come!


Jessica said...

Um, first - all so accurately true. Second - how the crap were you just at disney land!?

Tara and Dan said...

you crack me up :)