Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top 10 reasons not to go out with someone again

10) He had a glass eye. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I was never sure where that little wandering eye was looking.
9) He repeatedly tapped his glass eye, thinking it was cool while secretly, I wanted to vomit.
8) He told me that he has been the EQ Pres. twice and he's pretty sure he'll be called again.
7) He picked me up in a ridiculously nice car but proceeds to talk about his "new" car that is much nicer than this. I seriously could have cared less.
6) In the course of an hour, he proceeds to plan our next 10 dates. Bless his heart.
5) He conveniently LOVED everything that I love and wanted to do all of these things on our next 10 dates.
4) He asks if I work out or if I am naturally thin. And then wants to know how often I work out and when was the last time I went.
3) He tells me how his last girlfriend dumped him for an ex-boyfriend. He couldn't believe it because he gave her everything she could have ever wanted and her parents were SO impressed by him! (his exact words.)
2) He LOVES Provo.
1) At one point, this came out of his mouth. "That's okay, we all have hair down there." I don't care who you are, this should NEVER be a conversation starter!!


liz said...

why am i laughing so freaking hard? I was going to comment on your last post...but how can i when this is making me pee. seriously. thanks for the birthday wishes. you are gem for remembering. Can we eat lunch soon? oh my gosh, i am still laughing at this creeper...

Jessica said...

Oh - that's going in the book fo sho, classic.

SHIPP said...

no seriously. oh alli seriously there has got to be one normal man out there.

Ally said...
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Ally said...

why is this funnier reading it then when i heard it a day after? ew...hair down there...ew...you didn't mention that the 1st time.

Leymaster Family said...

Oh my! What great luck you have! Seriously you had me roaring with laughter!

the Schrofs... said...

I haven't checked your blog in a while and I was so nervous for a minute that you were talking about Adam. So sorry, but so funny! How did it go with Adam anyhoo?

Alisha said...

Alli! I just found your blog and I think I know the person you went out with!! Ha Ha Ha. Not too many people have glass eyes. but all of your reasons are awkward!! Oh man...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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