Tuesday, July 7, 2009

this was a good night..

I am completely aware that I haven't blogged in a coon's age but in my defense, I never have my camera and I just got all the pics from the gals...

A few weeks back, Kelli, Missy and I headed to Bear Lake for the weekend. There was a party that we heard about on the way up so we decided to stop by. We were pretty sure that this was the kind of party where we weren't going to meet any potentials so we made a stop at the Flying J in Logan and found some little monkies. We decided that if any one of us threw our monkies in the bushes, it meant we were talking to someone worth talking to. Let's just say, these little guys stayed on our backs the whole night. I'm sure people thought we were so weird but I will say that these little guys were great conversation starters...

Our friend Nate swore that he talked to way more girls with this bad boy on his back..

On to Bear Lake!

Kelli's cabin is famous for the Bear Lake monster. This is a relay that we create out of stuff around the house. This one did not disappoint. Between the crab walks, speedwalking, and filling that #@*! bucket with sand, this timed event was a hit.

And last but not least, what would Bear Lake be without some lottery tickets from the gas station and some poker. It's a good thing that we don't live closer to Vegas because we pretty much blew a ton a cash on those little lottery games. And all because Missy won $40 bucks. Lucky gal!

Thanks the the Dunkleys for letting Missy and I crash your family vacation!

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