Monday, March 2, 2009


Aren't families the best? Obviously I am a bit biased, but my family in particular is pretty great. I love, love, love being able to spend Sunday afternoon/nights with my family. Sunday is no longer a relaxing day for me so by the time I pull up at about 4:45, I am more than ready to eat, take a little catnap, and see what we can come up with for a treat. My dad is probably the funniest man alive and him, along with other funnies make Sunday nights always unpredictable. This particular conversation will go down in the books. Poor Vel(my grandma), had to be a witness to the whole thing.

It started out by talking about bidets. My dad was saying that when he builds a house, he has got to have one. With the help of google, we discovered that $1700 can get you a pretty sweet one including a little bonus, the heated seat. Dream come true... This led to a conversation about his first experience with a bidet in Europe. He was sold the first time he used one. Then my mom chimed in with her first experience. She was in Europe and somehow thought it was for washing your feet. Not sure how you would come to that conclusion. This reminded me of one of my favorite stories about my mom. Picture her as a pre-pubescent teen, traveling with her school on a bus across the country. She somehow thought that if you were "horny", that meant you felt sick. She proceeded to tell a boy on the bus that she couldn't help it but she was "horny". Bless her little heart...

Anyhoo, this led to Mike saying that 1) he never uses a public bathroom and 2) he uses baby wipes instead of tp. What?? Do people really do that? I mean, honestly, it sounds delightful but it has never crossed my mind. He told me that once I try it, I will never go back. Pretty sure he might be right on this one.

ThAT led to the topic of men vs. women's plumbing. I won't go into details but let's just say that I learned way more than I ever wanted to about anyone in my family. This whole time, my poor grandma is sitting on the couch, speechless. She asked my dad to take her home right after.

We then proceeded to watch Ghosttown with a little girl scout cookie ice cream. Nothing like some good laughs to start out the week.

** I stand corrected. I just learned from the lovely Wikipedia that with a bidet, you can wash your feet but that it is also sometimes mistaken for a drinking fountain. sick. For more details and a little laugh, click here.


Jessica said...

Can I come to your house for Sunday dinner? Sounds like too much fun - but I guess my family can come up with some pretty great conversations as well.

Brooke said...

Oh how I wish I was a fly on the... umm... wall for that convo.

Katie A. said...

baby wipes rule. mikey is right. however, chris just installed our toto toilet that he claimed would never clog. pretty sure my baby wipe clogged it. zach got mad, but i told him it was better than having a poopy wipe in the garbage can. tmi?